Kota Kondo

I am a graduate student at MIT AeroAstro, working in the Aerospace Controls Lab (ACL) under the guidance of Professor Jonathan How. My research interests focus on multiagent systems, optimization, and learning-based trajectory planning.

My current research projects include the development of a learning-based multiagent trajectory planner utilizing diffusion models, optimization-based trajectory planning, perception-aware and uncertainty-aware trajectory planning, detumbling an under-actuated spacecraft with a single-axis magnetic actuator, and quadcopter path-planning with an onboard EMPC controller.

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Mathworks fellowship provides support to graduate students within the School of Science with a preference for students who are active users of MATLAB and/or Simulink.


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Research Projects

Robust mader: Decentralized multiagent trajectory planner robust to communication delay in dynamic environments

Communication delays can be catastrophic for multiagent systems. However, most existing state-of-the-art multiagent trajectory planners assume perfect communication and therefore lack a strategy to rectify this issue in real-world environments. To address this challenge, we propose Robust MADER (RMADER), a decentralized, asynchronous multiagent trajectory planner robust to communication delay.

REAL: Resilience and Adaptation using Large Language Models on Autonomous Aerial Robots

Large Language Models (LLMs) pre-trained on internet-scale datasets have shown impressive capabilities in code understanding, synthesis, and general purpose question-and-answering. Key to their performance is the substantial prior knowledge acquired during training and their ability to reason over extended sequences of symbols, often presented in natural language. In this work, we aim to harness the extensive long-term reasoning, natural language comprehension, and the available prior knowledge of LLMs for increased resilience and adaptation in autonomous mobile robots. We introduce REAL, an approach for REsilience and Adaptation using LLMs. REAL provides a strategy to employ LLMs as a part of the mission planning and control framework of an autonomous robot. The LLM employed by REAL provides (i) a source of prior knowledge to increase resilience for challenging scenarios that the system had not been explicitly designed for; (ii) a way to interpret natural-language and other log/diagnostic information available in the autonomy stack, for mission planning; (iii) a way to adapt the control inputs using minimal user-provided prior knowledge about the dynamics/kinematics of the robot. We integrate REAL in the autonomy stack of a real multirotor, querying onboard an offboard LLM at 0.1-1.0 Hz as part the robot’s mission planning and control feedback loops. We demonstrate in real-world experiments the ability of the LLM to reduce the position tracking errors of a multirotor under the presence of (i) errors in the parameters of the controller and (ii) unmodeled dynamics. We also show (iii) decision making to avoid potentially dangerous scenarios (e.g., robot oscillates) that had not been explicitly accounted for in the initial prompt design.

PUMA: Fully Decentralized Uncertainty-aware Multiagent Trajectory Planner with Real-time Image Segmentation-based Frame Alignment

Fully decentralized, multiagent trajectory planners enable complex tasks like search and rescue or package delivery by ensuring safe navigation in unknown environments. However, deconflicting trajectories with other agents and ensuring collision-free paths in a fully decentralized setting is complicated by dynamic elements and localization uncertainty. To this end, this paper presents (1) an uncertainty-aware multiagent trajectory planner and (2) an image segmentation-based frame alignment pipeline. The uncertainty-aware planner propagates uncertainty associated with the future motion of detected obstacles, and by incorporating this propagated uncertainty into optimization constraints, the planner effectively navigates around obstacles. Unlike conventional methods that emphasize explicit obstacle tracking, our approach integrates implicit tracking. Sharing trajectories between agents can cause potential collisions due to frame misalignment. Addressing this, we introduce a novel frame alignment pipeline that rectifies inter-agent frame misalignment. This method leverages a zero-shot image segmentation model for detecting objects in the environment and a data association framework based on geometric consistency for map alignment. Our approach accurately aligns frames with only 0.18 m and 2.7 deg of mean frame alignment error in our most challenging simulation scenario. In addition, we conducted hardware experiments and successfully achieved 0.29 m and 2.59 deg of frame alignment error. Together with the alignment framework, our planner ensures safe navigation in unknown environments and collision avoidance in decentralized settings.

CGD: Constraint-Guided Diffusion Policies for UAV Trajectory Planning

Traditional optimization-based planners, while effective, suffer from high computational costs, resulting in slow trajectory generation. A successful strategy to reduce computation time involves using Imitation Learning (IL) to develop fast neural network (NN) policies from those planners, which are treated as expert demonstrators. Although the resulting NN policies are effective at quickly generating trajectories similar to those from the expert, (1) their output does not explicitly account for dynamic feasibility, and (2) the policies do not accommodate changes in the constraints different from those used during training. To overcome these limitations, we propose Constraint-Guided Diffusion (CGD), a novel IL-based approach to trajectory planning. CGD leverages a hybrid learning/online optimization scheme that combines diffusion policies with a surrogate efficient optimization problem, enabling the generation of collision-free, dynamically feasible trajectories. The key ideas of CGD include dividing the original challenging optimization problem solved by the expert into two more manageable sub-problems: (a) efficiently finding collision-free paths, and (b) determining a dynamically-feasible time-parametrization for those paths to obtain a trajectory. Compared to conventional neural network architectures, we demonstrate through numerical evaluations significant improvements in performance and dynamic feasibility under scenarios with new constraints never encountered during training.

Master’s Thesis: Decentralized Multiagent Trajectory Planning in Real-World Environments

In this thesis, we introduce two novel approaches —Robust MADER (RMADER) and PRIMER, aiming at further advancing the field of decentralized multiagent trajectory planning for UAVs. One of the primary hurdles in achieving a multiagent trajectory planner lies in the development of a system that is both scalable and robust, and can be effectively deployed in real-world environments.

PRIMER: Perception-Aware Robust Learning-based Multiagent Trajectory Planner

In decentralized multiagent trajectory planners, agents need to communicate and exchange their positions to generate collision-free trajectories. However, due to localization errors/uncertainties, trajectory deconfliction can fail even if trajectories are perfectly shared between agents. To address this issue, we first present PARM and PARM*, perception-aware, decentralized, asynchronous multiagent trajectory planners that enable a team of agents to navigate uncertain environments while deconflicting trajectories and avoiding obstacles using perception information. PARM* differs from PARM as it is less conservative, using more computation to find closer-to-optimal solutions. While these methods achieve state-of-the-art performance, they suffer from high computational costs as they need to solve large optimization problems onboard, making it difficult for agents to replan at high rates. To overcome this challenge, we present our second key contribution, PRIMER, a learning-based planner trained with imitation learning (IL) using PARM* as the expert demonstrator. PRIMER leverages the low computational requirements at deployment of neural networks and achieves a computation speed up to 5500 times faster than optimization-based approaches.

SOS-Match: Segmentation for Open-Set Robust Correspondence Search and Robot Localization in Unstructured Environments

We present SOS-Match, a novel framework for detecting and matching objects in unstructured environments. Our system consists of 1) a front-end mapping pipeline using a zero-shot segmentation model to extract object masks from images and track them across frames and 2) a frame alignment pipeline that uses the geometric consistency of object relationships to efficiently localize across a variety of conditions. We evaluate SOS-Match on the Batvik seasonal dataset which includes drone flights collected over a coastal plot of southern Finland during different seasons and lighting conditions. Results show that our approach is more robust to changes in lighting and appearance than classical image feature-based approaches or global descriptor methods, and it provides more viewpoint invariance than learning-based feature detection and description approaches. SOS-Match localizes within a reference map up to 46x faster than other feature-based approaches and has a map size less than 0.5% the size of the most compact other maps. SOS-Match is a promising new approach for landmark detection and correspondence search in unstructured environments that is robust to changes in lighting and appearance and is more computationally efficient than other approaches, suggesting that the geometric arrangement of segments is a valuable localization cue in unstructured environments.


Nonlinear Model Predictive Detumbling of Under-actuated Satellites

We proposed an innovative approach to detumble satellites’ triple-axis angular velocities with only one single-axis magnetic torquer. Since magnetic torque is generated perpendicularly to magnetorquers, no intended control torque along the magnetorquer can be produced, which makes systems underactuated. Our paper introduces a control method using Model Predictive Control (MPC) and compares it with B-dot control algorithm. By applying these control laws to Kyushu University Light Curve Inversion (Q-Li) Demonstration Satellite in numerical simulations, we describe the applicability of these control laws to underactuated systems.


Pulse Width Modulation Method Applied to NMPC

We employed the C/GMRES method to solve the real-time optimal problem, an essential part of any MPC approach. This method creates smooth, continuous control inputs; however, control actuators, in our case magnetic torquers, might have trouble producing such control inputs. We, therefore, applied the PWM method to discretize the smooth inputs and make them actuator-friendly. Although this discretization adds another layer of implementation difficulty, this paper successfully shows its feasibility through simulation results.




  • Yamakawa Prize (President’s Award), Kyushu University

    • Awarded excellent academic record and acts for humanity, sociability, and internationally

  • Dean’s Award (Top 2% freshman GPA), Kyushu University


Journal Paper

  • Kondo, K., Figueroa, R., Rached, J., Tordesillas, J., Lusk, P., How, J., Robust MADER: Decentralized Multiagent Trajectory Planner Robust to Communication Delay in Dynamic Environments, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2023.3342561
  • Kondo, K., Kolmanovsky, I., Yoshimura, Y., Bando, M., Nagasaki, S., Hanada, T., “Nonlinear Model Predictive Detumbling of Small Satellites with a Single-axis Magnetic Actuator,”  JGCD, Vol. 44, No. 6 (2021), pp. 1211-1218 doi: doi/abs/10.2514/1.G005877

Conference Paper

  • Kondo K., Tagliabue A., Cai X., Tewari C., Garcia O., Espitia-Alvarez M., How J., ”CGD: Constraint Guided Diffusion Policies for UAV Trajectory Planning,” submitted to 2024 IEEE CDC. equal contributions.
  • Tagliabue A., Kondo K., Zhao T., Peterson M., Tewari C., How J., ”REAL: Resilience and Adaptation using Large Language Models on Autonomous Aerial Robots,” accepted to 2024 IEEE CDC. equal contributions.
  • Kinnari, J., Thomas, A., Lusk, P., Kondo, K., How, J., SOS-MATCH: Segmentation for Open-Set SLAM in Unstructured Environments, accepted to 2024 IEEE IROS
  • Kondo K., Tewari C., Peterson M., Thomas A., Kinnari J., Tagliabue A., How J., ”PUMA: Fully Decentralized Uncertainty-aware Multiagent Trajectory Planner with Real-time Image Segmentation-based Frame Alignment,” accepted to 2024 IEEE ICRA.
  • Kondo, K., Tordesillas J., Figueroa R., Rached J., Merkel J., Lusk P., How J., Robust MADER: Decentralized and Asynchronous Multiagent Trajectory Planner Robust to Communication Delay, 2023 IEEE ICRA, London, UK, 2023.
  • Kondo, K., Yoshimura, Y., Nagasaki, S., Hanada, T., “Pulse Width Modulation Method Applied to Nonlinear Model Predictive Control on an Under-actuated Small Satellite,” 2021 AIAA SciTech Forum, Nashville, US, 2021.
  • Kondo, K., Yoshimura, Y., Bando M., Nagasaki, S., Hanada, T., “Model Predictive Approach for Detumbling an Underactuated Satellite” 2020 AIAA SciTech Forum, Florida, US, 2020.
  • Kondo, K., Yoshimura, Y., Bando M., Nagasaki, S., Hanada, T.,“Detumbling with Model Predictive Control for an Underactuated Small Satellite,” AIAA Region VII – Australia/International Student Conference, Australia, 2019.

Conference Poster

  • Kondo, K., Tewari C., Tagliabue A., Tordesillas J., Lusk P., How J., ”PRIMER: Perception-Aware Robust
    Learning-based Multiagent Trajectory Planner,” 2023 IEEE ICRA, UK, 2023.
  • Kondo, K., Figueroa, R., Rached, J., Tordesillas, J., Lusk, P., How, J., Robust MADER: Decentralized
    Multiagent Trajectory Planner Robust to Communication Delay in Dynamic Environments, Won Best Poster Award at ICRA 2023 CAMRS Workshop.
  • Kondo, K., Yoshimura, Y., Bando M., Nagasaki, S., Hanada, T., “Detumbling of Small Satellites with a Single-Axis Magnetorquer” Proceedings of 63th Space Sciences and Technology Conference, Tokushima, Japan, 2019.